What is Cigar Batch?
Cigar Batch is a lifestyle brand. As lifelong cigar enthusiasts, we understand the hurdle that exists for people who would like to try Cigars but are intimidated by the high prices and intimidating atmosphere at many retailers. To help, Cigar Batch offers Cigar Samplers known as “batches” to set you up for success and promote the Cigar lifestyle across many different walks of life.
Can I buy just a single cigar?
Of course! While our batches are the best bang for your buck, we also rotate a limited number of premium cigars you can buy in whatever quantity you would like. We update and add to this selection often so be sure to check back often to see our latest inventory.
Why don’t you have a lot more products on your site?
We believe in quality over quantity. All too often, a retailer will try to offer too many cigars and their inventory/creativity become stagnant. Our focus is on constantly updating our site with exciting products & features to keep your experience with Cigar Batch fresh & exciting!
What if a Cigar gets damaged in shipping?
If a cigar gets damaged during shipping, please send a picture to Contact@CigarBatch.com and we will get you out a fresh stogie to replace that one.
Is there a limit on how few or how many cigars I can buy from you?
No! You can buy as many as 100 or as few as 1 cigar, although we strongly recommend getting at least 1 of each!.
Why do you offer such great value?
Our mission is to introduce new and experienced smokers to new and exciting cigars with as low a barrier to entry as possible. We believe that when people try a premium cigar, they will become a lifelong enthusiast!
Do you take suggestions on what cigar to sell next?
Yes! Hit us up anytime on our social media outlets or email Contact@CigarBatch.com
I’m a public figure, how can I partner with you?
We love partnering with people who have followers of their own they would like to introduce to fine cigars. Please email us at Contact@CigarBatch.com and we will come up with a creative idea.
I’m a manufacturer or brand representative, how can I partner with you?
Partnering with Cigar makers is our primary goal as we expand. We are here to serve you by introducing your product to new consumers in a way that respects and lifts your already strong brand. Please email us at Contact@CigarBatch.com and we can come up with some exciting strategies.
I have a question that is not listed here.
Something more specific? No worries! Just email us at Contact@CigarBatch.com or call (855) 90-CIGAR anytime.
Cigar Batch Inc. does not sell tobacco products to anyone under the age of 21.
We want to hear from you! We'll respond to emails within 24 hours.
contact@cigarbatch.com(855) 90-CIGAR
(855) 902-4427
Partner with us
If you're a tobacco industry professional or public figure we want to work with you! Click here to learn more.
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